Community Growth Strategy Forum

Community Growth Strategy Forum – Community Called to Action (8th & 9th October at the Theatre Royal, Balranald)

Balranald Shire Council is proud to be hosting the first Community Growth Forum, this is our economic development strategy and will be utilised to inform future activities in growing our local economy.

We are calling upon all industry, small business, emerging industries and most importantly OUR COMMUNITY to come along and participate in shaping our future. We will be developing strategies to ensure that we have sustainable communities and vibrant futures.
The Forum will be run across two nights (Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th October) from 4pm to 9pm, registration and informal discussions from 4-5:30pm then forum begins 5:30-9pm.

The first night showcases panels of industry and service representatives that will present to the forum on their present situation and their vision of the future. The ethos is “sustainable communities, vibrant futures”. There will also be question time following presentations. The objective is to identify our needs and opportunities in a collaborative environment.

The second night is focussed on taking stock of these needs and opportunities, driving actions and outcomes in a draft plan for the future that uses what we have to the greatest common advantage.

There will also be workshops run across both nights that focus group discussions on challenges facing our industries/communities now and in the future.

Click here to view the poster

View our Facebook post

View the Forum Information Pack – includes the agenda for each evening

Theatre Royal
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Market street Balranald

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