Council Information/Profile

A Snapshot

Located 850 km south west of Sydney and 450 km north of Melbourne, Balranald Shire Council covers an area of 21,346 square kilometres. Major townships within the Shire are Balranald (population 1,200) and Euston (population 600). Balranald Shire has a population of 2,361.

The Shire’s economy has traditionally relied upon dry-land and irrigated agricultural production of grains, wool, sheep meat and beef (valued at more than $80 million in 2006). However primary production is diversifying to encompass horticulture, viticulture, organic agriculture and the growing of fruit and nut trees. Tourism is also now recognised as an important economic driver.

Balranald Shire boasts a progressive well serviced and vibrant community that is committed to continued regional growth and sustainability.

Council is a forward thinking organisation that has identified and pursued opportunities to foster strong economic growth through the development and implementation of the Balranald Shire Economic Development Strategy.

Recent significant developments include:

  • The construction of a $1.3 million Visitor and Interpretive Centre in Balranald that will grow the tourism industry and link with other tourism assets including Yanga and Mungo National Parks.
  • The construction of the Balranald hospital and the continued development of aged care facilities have created investment opportunities.
  • The opening of the Balranald Central School Trade Training Centre has provided an opportunity to up-skill the current workforce and attract trainees seeking new skills.
  • Extensive mineral sand exploration will continue within the Shire during 2017/18 with the potential extraction phase envisaged to create up to 200 jobs. This will provide diversification to the region and significant add-on support industries.
  • Council has a strong partnership with the National Parks and Wildlife Service of NSW to develop and promote Yanga and Mungo National Parks as tourism destinations, to build upon the existing popularity of the area as a place to camp and fish.
  • The continued growth of the Euston horticultural industry and the expansion of the Euston Club continue to provide businesses opportunities.

Live, Work, Play and Invest

Balranald Shire – a great place to Live, Work, Play and Invest. The community is well serviced and provides a range of health facilities and services, affordable housing, educational facilities, cultural, recreational and sporting activities.