
Keep up-to-date with all the latest important community announcements related to the Balranald Shire region.

If you would like to make an enquiry, please complete the enquiry form and one of our staff will respond promptly.

If you need to make a rate payment or make a Development Assessment fee payment, please follow the relevant instructions outlined here.

Balranald Shire Council offers a number of facilities for hire to suit your needs and events. View the facilities available, the booking procedure and make a booking.

Balranald Shire Council rates are levied annually in July, and can be paid in full or by quarterly instalments.

For all the latest news and happenings from around the Balranald Shire download the latest copy of Balranald Shire Council’s “Community News” newsletter or any past newsletters.

Read the latest proposed developments currently on exhibition and learn how to make an enquiry or written submissions in relation to the any of the proposed developments.

Discover the latest job vacancies with the Balranald Shire Council and why the shire is a special place to work and live.

View all current Tenders, Request for Quotation (RFQs), and high value purchases.

View the latest public consultations planned in the Balranald Shire.

Balranald Shire Council takes a proactive approach to encouraging economic development within the Shire to encourage job growth and wealth creation within the community.

Search for businesses within our business directory. The businesses are categorised to make your search easy.

Learn about Balranald Shire’s Reservation and Interment processes as well as information on the Balranald and Euston cemeteries.

Learn about the safeguards required for swimming pools required in urban areas and the legislative requirements on child safety measures. Also learn how to apply for a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate.

Each year Australia Day is celebrated in both Balranald and Euston townships. Learn how you can nominate people for Australia Day Awards.