Whats happening at Yanga National Park for December

Historic Yanga Homestead facility Advice (areas open /closed due to weather conditions) – Yanga National Park – Access Status 18-12-17

Yanga National Park Tour Advice –   Please contact the Ranger for further tour advice.

For the latest up-to-date park information, please call the NP office on 03 5020 1764 or visit www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/Yanga-National-Park

General Information…………….

Click here to read about and vie pictures of the amazing pelican congregation at Yanga National Park – Pelican chicks all grown up and congregating in Yanga National Park


Please click here to view Maps of the Park

Map 1 Location and Whole Park view of the Yanga Reserves

Map 2. Homestead Precinct

Map 3. Yanga Woolshed Precinct – Mamanga Campground

Map 4. Regatta Beach Day Use Area

Map 5. Willows Camping and Day Use Area

Map 6. Woolpress Bend Remote Camping and Day Use Area


Woolpress Bend –  Campers need  to book and get a permit from the Yanga Office located at Yanga Homestead.

Want to Camp in our National parks for Free??  Camping is free but people need to book to avoid double-ups by contacting the park office on 0350 201 764.

National Parks has opportunities state-wide for people to camp for free on National Parks in exchange for assisting our customers – click here for more information

The RFS has declared the beginning of the bushfire danger period, Yanga National Park have a park fire ban in place.  PLEASE NOTE: No solid fuel fires are permitted in Yanga or the Kyalite reserves.

Campfires are not permitted on days of total fire ban however on other days permitted in designated fire places in camp grounds. Fires must be attended by a responsible adult at all times and must be fully extinguished when you leave.  Please contact the office for updated information relating to campfires.

Check out the new visitor website at http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/Yanga-National-Park

For more information, Call 03 5020 1764  or visit http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au 

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