RFT 21/22-002 Construction of 2km on Tapalin Mail Road, Euston


The closing date and time for Tenders was 4:00 pm on Wednesday 8 December 2021

Company ABN Address Result
Bott Eathmoving Pty Ltd 68932325634 PO Box 494 Merbein Vic 3505 Successful
Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd 66008709608 1 Unwin Street, Rosehill NSw 2142 Unsuccessful
Mallee Earthmoving and Excavations Pty Ltd 26608701514 3367 Murray Valley Highway Tol Tol Vic 3549 Unsuccessful
MTS Earthmoving Pty Ltd 12591677933 “Cooyan” Swan Hill Road, Moulamein NSW 2733 Unsuccessfu