RFT No. 20/21-03 – Construction of 15 Unit Expansion of Bidgee Haven Aged Care Hostel Tender


RFT was advertised on Tenderlink on 19/10/2020 and closed on 27/11/2020 4:00PM. Tenders were opened on 30th November 2020.

Balranald Shire Council received submissions for RFT No. 20/21-03 Construction of 15 Unit Expansion of Bidgee Haven Aged Care Hostel Tender from the following submitters:

Company ABN Address Result
Adaptive Interiors 78429902556 24 Jones Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Not Successful
CPM Building Contractors 25006906369 18A Madden Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500 Not Successful
Precise Build Pty Ltd 57614725227 166 Napier Street, Deniliquin NSW 2710 Not Successful
RTM Constructions 88273160581 27 Quin Drive, Swan Hill VIC 3585 Not Successful
SJM Developments Pty Ltd 61150212892 PO Box 349, Gol Gol NSW 2738 Not Successful