Tourism Infrastructure Fund – Community Feedback Survey


We would like to hear from you, please complete the following five minute survey and let us know your feelings on the proposed Tourism Infrastructure Fund idea .

The survey is addressing the following funding proposal:
NSW Government has allocated to the Far West Joint Organisation (FWJO) five million dollars to spend on the tourism funding. The FWJO split this funding equally to the four Shires – $1.25M each. As part of this funding arrangement, Balranald Shire was required to identify an appropriate proposal for its allocation and demonstrate the project is:
· tourism related· regionally significant· deliverable and affordable· has community strategic alignment Balranald Shire Council has previously nominated the redevelopment of the Visitor Information Centre/Discovery Centre complex as its tourism funding proposal. In summary, the project involves:
· integration of the three existing pavilion buildings into a single linked complex with a common foyer

. relocation and expansion of interpretive material into the main pavilion to provide better public access and exposure.· repurposing and extending the existing interpretive centre pavilion into an expanded and modern library.· consolidation of customer service and visitor information functions, so as to enable longer opening hours for locals and visitors.

Visitor Information Centre Alterations – Survey Monkey Link and the Draft Concept Plans

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